Saturday, July 14, 2012

50 Shades of Grey and Magic Mike....Really ladies?

I first heard of 50 Shades of Grey through a co-worker. He asked me if I had read this book yet. He said his sister told him is was really great and that he needed to read it. I asked him what it was about and he said something about business but he wasn't really sure. So I thought well okay....I'll have to find out more. However, before I could look it up, he did. He said it looked like it was about a man and woman and said something about it being erotic. I said absolutely not! I will not read something like that. He understands my point of view and where I am coming from. He knows I'm a Christian and that I don't entertain myself with things of that nature.

Well it wasn't too long after that, that I noticed Christian women posting on how great this book is and then comes the comments about how great the movie Magic Mike is. At first I really didn't know enough to get into a conversation about these two so i just let it go. That is until a couple of days ago when a great friend of mine posted on Facebook how she doesn't understand how Christian women can defend reading and watching this stuff. So I decided to do some research...Which I always enjoy doing...When I read the information on Magic Mike I was appalled! How in the world can someone say they thought watching the movie was fine and that it wasn't sin? This movie clearly glorifies the stripping industry in which I am completely against! Let me just explain something about the stripping industry. First and foremost the women who are in these clubs...I don't care how upscale they are, the women are continually beat, stabbed and then raped. Now you may say well its the lifestyle. No it's not. The majority of these women had nothing to turn to because they never had a healthy family life. Many were abused growing up and most were raped by family members or friends of family members over and over again. Some were sent to foster home after foster home. And men and women around the world are funding this! And they think its okay just because they are not actively participating, they are just watching. Interesting, sounds like what women are doing with these books and movies.

So in talking about Magic Mike and 50 Shades of Grey, a friend of mine called it 'soft porn'. I call it porn at its worse!  How in the world are we to teach our daughters and sons its not okay to have sex before marriage when their parents are watching this stuff and saying its okay because I just wish I could have a body like that? Yes, someone really said that. Really? Lets be honest here, that's not the only thing you are thinking. This is exactly how the enemy hooks Christians into the sexual perversion that runs so rampant in the United States as well as the world. When parents allow this perversion in the house, you open up your children to this as well. Right now if you were to ask your children's principal at school if they have a problem with sex in the school, they will most likely tell you yes. Right now in the US there is an epidemic in the schools of kids even in grade school having oral sex because they don't think its sex and they just want to fit in. Really? I wonder where this mind set came from? I wonder if parents know that it's their daughter participating in this. If you don't stop allowing this stuff in your home its only going to get worse. You are allowing the fleshly desires to run rampant in you as well as in your home! Jesus said in Matthew 5:28:

but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

This is also for women. 

Listen. In this day and age we cannot allow the enemy to come in and continue to wreck havoc in our homes, or in this nation. If we do not begin to stand up and say no to these movies and books, we will continue to see more of this come out. If you want to see the divorce rate in the church go down then you will begin to say 'No' to this sexual perversion that you have allowed in your home and say 'Yes' to purity. The only way we can begin to see the purity of the Lord sweep this nation and the nations of the earth is to purify what we allow ourselves to watch and see. Jesus said in Luke 11:34 & 35

The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness.

Please I beg you! Begin to stand up for righteousness and purity! Help us to stop these movies and books that are coming out! Stop funding these projects! They are harming you and your family for generations to come!

From my heart to yours,
