Saturday, May 11, 2013


Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. - Romans 12:12

How many people have gone or are going through a season of affliction? It doesn't matter how you got there or why you are there. The fact is that you are in the season and you really want out of it! I don't think I have ever had such a season of affliction as I have had recently. A relationship ended (and it wasn't pleasant by any means), I was accused of something that was completely unfounded, and despite all my prayers I didn't think I would make it out whole. The devil really worked me over to the point I was finally ready to throw in the towel and walk away from everything and everyone.

Here's the thing...If I walked away...It would mean that I surrendered to the enemy. While at that point I really didn't care because it seemed as though everything was just stripped away from me. But God..... I love saying that! But God....You see there is a reason why we go through certain things in our lives. I don't fully understand why I have had to go through this specific season, all I can say is that it is and will be part of my testimony!

I remember I finally got to the point of telling the Lord that I will fulfill the calling and destiny that he has placed on my life, but the feelings and emotions I have will not go away. As my eyes filled with tears I looked down at my IPad...I had a bible app on it opened and as I looked down my eyes fell on this scripture:

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. - Psalm 37:4

Of course the tears then just streamed down my face! But I think what is even more surprising is what that Psalm actually means. So many people don't really realize what "delight" really means. According to the hebrew translation, "delight" literally means to be delicate or feminine. In this particular context, it means to be dependent upon God and to derive one's pleasure from Him.

Wow! I have been meditating on this for awhile now. So you have to ask yourself...Do you find more pleasure in other things or other people than you do of the Lord? I know I have fallen short of this at times. So as I seek to 'delight' myself in the Lord, I pray you would also. There is nothing else that will bring greater breakthrough than you delighting yourself in the Lord! Sometimes its in these seasons where all you can do is worship God for who he is. I love a quote from Pastor John Kilpatrick that says: "However long it has taken for you to be restored to what God has for you is a clue to how big the recovery will be!"

Listen...As far as I am concerned there is only one path and that is straight ahead. There are times where we will see it clearly and then there are times where we don't see it at all. This is called walking by faith and not by sight.

So if you are in a season such like mine...I just want you to know all seasons have to come to an end....And here is a little encouragement...Though mine has taken almost 6 months...I finally see the end of it....I'm not going to look at the amount of time I was in the season, but that I can finally see the light and that God has brought truth to so many lie's that the enemy has tried to speak against me. Praise the Lord!

There is no turning back. If you ever want to turn back let me just say this....Remember Lot's wife....That is NOT how I want to be remembered!

From my heart to yours,

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