Saturday, April 25, 2015

Have you ever been angry at God?

Have you ever been angry/mad at God? Have you ever hated Him? Now before you answer the last question and you say no, let me give you the definition of hate.

Hate (as defined by Merriam-Webster) - (n) - intense hostility and aversion unusually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury

When I looked up this meaning I will be honest and say, yes, I have just recently felt hatred towards God. I was so angry that there were thoughts and words running through my mind that I haven't thought in almost 18 years. I was angry, I was mad, and I hated God. Now let me very clear here. I still loved God, and though I was having these feelings I never thought about turning my back on Him nor was I wanting to give up my relationship with Him. It was actually the exact opposite. I wanted my intimacy back in my relationship with Him. I was just hurt and extremely angry.

You see, I am about to turn 40 years old this year and my life is not anything like I thought it would be. I thought I would be married by now, have a couple of children and be in full-time ministry. And....I don't have any of that. I have had people tell me that is my fault and I have had people tell me that He has a much greater plan for my life. My greatest desires have not yet been fulfilled. I have had people and even relatives tell me that maybe I'm not meant to be married and have children. Or people like to tell me the story about Sarah who was barren and then God have her a child in her 'old age'. Let me tell you something, none of these brings comfort or peace. It causes hurt and pain. I wanted to tell them to shut up. I probably have said that to some people. LOL! But it still doesn't stop them. Being the good little Christian that I am I just smiled and ignored the comments . The whole time I'm thinking when is it going to happen God! I'm so tired of all this! I was tired of hearing it! People do not realize how much power their words hold!

Proverbs 18:21 (MSG) - Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose.

So I started reading a book written by one of my Mentors/Spiritual Mom (Rebecca Greenwood) called "Defeating Strongholds of the Mind." I have only made it to chapter 3 at this point where she begins to list several different strongholds and I land on the one titled, "Unbelief." She states, "Unbelief does not accept the promises of the Lord; it causes those held captive by its lies to question the goodness, power, and faithfulness of God's Word. It paralyzes faith. Those who are bound by unbelief do not believe God for the possible or the impossible. They struggle to accept the love of the Father and to believe prophetic words concerning their destinies." And then she goes on to list several questions for you to answer to see if you may have this specific stronghold. Of course I realized at this point, yes I am dealing with unbelief. I can tell you prophetic word after prophetic word that I have received and several of them from different people that spoke some of the same things to me almost word for word. But nothing has come to past.

"Where Do Strongholds Come From? The traps that lead us into bondage can include trauma, betrayal, abuse, rejection, abandonment, accidents, bullying, ungodly control, angry family members, and so on." - Defeating Strongholds of the Mind by Rebecca Greenwood

I was also dealing with a horrible break from a ministry I walked beside for almost 5 years. There was an accusation that everyone knew was not true. And not one of my close friends stood up for me. Even though everyone involved and those who knew what was said, knew that I had done nothing wrong, I was still horrified, embarrassed and hurt. So I did what I thought was expected of me as a Christian and I was trying to fake it 'till I made it. In other words I forgave and acted like I wasn't horrified, embarrassed and hurt. I never dealt with the wound and pain.

But I had to make, the choice to believe what other people and the enemy were telling me, or what God was saying me. I am like the father of the son in Mark chapter 9 asking Jesus if there is anything you can do to help me and Jesus replied in verse 23 "'If you can! All things are possible for one who believes." and in verse 24 the father says "Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, " I believe, help my unbelief!" 

So you want to know what happened when I went to God about my anger and hatred? I told Him exactly how I felt. I said things to Him that I never thought I would ever say. It was an all out fight! I held nothing back...I mean NOTHING! I told Him exactly what I thought of Him and how I felt. I told him that I felt justified in feeling what I felt. And then I asked Him to prove me wrong. Do you know what He said to me? He took me back and reminded me of things that were said early in my life and even things that have been said to me now. And He said, if none of that was said to you, you would not have an issue with turning 40 and not being where you think you should be. In other words He was telling me I would be perfectly fine with turning 40 and still being single with no children and not in full-time ministry. And you know what? He was right. And I know that a lot of people will read this and think they could never approach God this way. And I would say that is part of what is wrong with the Church today. A real relationship has it's ups and its downs. There are things in your heart and if you continue to deny they are there then you will end up where I am. All it does is form strongholds and the hardest part is dealing with the ones that have been their for a very long time. I covered up my pain by trying to help those closest to me through their own dark times. I thought it really didn't matter what I was going through and if I let others know then I was being 'needy'. I didn't want to put that on anyone. Well, that is completely wrong thinking. While I am still not outspoken about what I go through. I realize that my life does matter and I no longer have to deny myself and my feelings and act like everything is fine. Yet the Church today still thinks they have to fake it 'till they make it and cover up their pain and put on a happy face a ignore their own pain (at least that's what I thought I had to do). I thought just because my feelings were not lining up with the word of God (Fruit of the Spirit) then I have no right to feel that way. That is wrong! God wants you to come to Him with your heart. If you are hurt and angry He wants to take care of it. I refuse to act like everything in my life is all sunshine and rainbows when I am hurting and need most of all my Father. I need Him to show me truth even when I feel like I am right. I need Him to heal me. I need His love! And most of all, I need my intimate relationship with God back.

I am not perfect and I have never claimed to be. All I can say is what I am walking through right now, God has been good and gracious to me. Let God know how you feel. Let Him show you truth. Let Him break the stronghold that the enemy has set up in your mind. I would recommend getting this book "Defeating Strongholds of the Mind" by Rebecca Greenwood. You can get it from her website,

This is MY story from my heart to yours,


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Gotta love those Rabbit Trails!

Do you remember a time where you took a so called 'rabbit trail'? Maybe you have taken several of them in your lifetime so far. You knew you were supposed to be headed in one direction but you decided to take a 'little' rabbit trail instead to see where it would lead you? Not that it was a bad thing to do, you just didn't know what would come of it and of course you always hope for the best. But then when things don't turn out like you thought they would you wonder why in the world did I do that? And of course you then begin to beat yourself up for doing that and you feel as though you are right back where you started before you made that decision. You feel as though you wasted your time and the Lord's time and you probably think you have prolonged the destiny and calling on your life. Here is the thing about the rabbit trails that you have taken....God knew from the very beginning that you would make that decision. He used that to do something in your life during those times that He knew that rabbit trail was very much needed in order to produce and form in you what is needed in order to fulfill your destiny and calling. And I'm sure there will always be more of these times and seasons in our life, but they will never be wasted. 

But know that it is how you come out of the season is what matters. When you look back at the season you were in, you will be able to see the strength and freedom that God formed in you during that time. Also I know one thing that I have learned and am learning is to trust God in all area's of my life. People will think you have it all together when in essence you are just trying to keep your head above the water and not drown! LOL! But that's when you really learn to trust God. When you can't see the next step, when you can't feel that passion and desire you once had, or even feel His presence as you did. I know so many times we wish things would have turned out differently. But wouldn't you rather know that you decided to follow what the Lord has for you instead of what you wanted? I know my life is in God's hands and not mine nor anyone else's and that is true peace of mind! 

Philippians 2:1-8
Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

From my heart to yours,

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. - Romans 12:12

How many people have gone or are going through a season of affliction? It doesn't matter how you got there or why you are there. The fact is that you are in the season and you really want out of it! I don't think I have ever had such a season of affliction as I have had recently. A relationship ended (and it wasn't pleasant by any means), I was accused of something that was completely unfounded, and despite all my prayers I didn't think I would make it out whole. The devil really worked me over to the point I was finally ready to throw in the towel and walk away from everything and everyone.

Here's the thing...If I walked away...It would mean that I surrendered to the enemy. While at that point I really didn't care because it seemed as though everything was just stripped away from me. But God..... I love saying that! But God....You see there is a reason why we go through certain things in our lives. I don't fully understand why I have had to go through this specific season, all I can say is that it is and will be part of my testimony!

I remember I finally got to the point of telling the Lord that I will fulfill the calling and destiny that he has placed on my life, but the feelings and emotions I have will not go away. As my eyes filled with tears I looked down at my IPad...I had a bible app on it opened and as I looked down my eyes fell on this scripture:

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. - Psalm 37:4

Of course the tears then just streamed down my face! But I think what is even more surprising is what that Psalm actually means. So many people don't really realize what "delight" really means. According to the hebrew translation, "delight" literally means to be delicate or feminine. In this particular context, it means to be dependent upon God and to derive one's pleasure from Him.

Wow! I have been meditating on this for awhile now. So you have to ask yourself...Do you find more pleasure in other things or other people than you do of the Lord? I know I have fallen short of this at times. So as I seek to 'delight' myself in the Lord, I pray you would also. There is nothing else that will bring greater breakthrough than you delighting yourself in the Lord! Sometimes its in these seasons where all you can do is worship God for who he is. I love a quote from Pastor John Kilpatrick that says: "However long it has taken for you to be restored to what God has for you is a clue to how big the recovery will be!"

Listen...As far as I am concerned there is only one path and that is straight ahead. There are times where we will see it clearly and then there are times where we don't see it at all. This is called walking by faith and not by sight.

So if you are in a season such like mine...I just want you to know all seasons have to come to an end....And here is a little encouragement...Though mine has taken almost 6 months...I finally see the end of it....I'm not going to look at the amount of time I was in the season, but that I can finally see the light and that God has brought truth to so many lie's that the enemy has tried to speak against me. Praise the Lord!

There is no turning back. If you ever want to turn back let me just say this....Remember Lot's wife....That is NOT how I want to be remembered!

From my heart to yours,

Monday, February 25, 2013

Trusting God....Yes or No......

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me? All day long they distort my words; All their thoughts are against me for evil. - Psalm 56:3-5

I'm going to be really honest and transparent here. If you would have asked me 3 months ago if I trusted God completely and in every area of my life I probably would have said YES! And I would have said that, not realizing what was to come. Or should I say, what God was about to show me. At the end of December right before the new year I entered a season that I would call a season of 'Affliction'.

He gives you grace to count the hardest spot the sweetest place. - J Danson Smith

And the Word of God has been my constant companion during this season. I found journaling has been really healing in the washing of the Word over my dry and cracked soul.

One of the most valuable lessons I am learning in this season is about trusting God completely in EVERY area of my life. In my personal and ministry relationships. Listening to that still small voice again and even listening when I don't hear it.  It never ceases to amaze me how God's love pours out on the broken-hearted. And how He brings you back to the road when you have gone into the ditch! Though I will have to say I wasn't in a ditch. I'll be honest I was in one of the deepest, darkest pits I have ever been in! I'm beginning to see the light. And in God's great love I find myself dreaming again! I haven't done that in a very long time! Which is my own fault.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. - Romans 12:15

I have to say...I have the most amazing friends! This scripture has come alive in this season. I truly do have friends that will rejoice and weep with me...sometimes all at the same time! LOL (yes it is possible)

If you'll give your heart to God, He'll bring you a measure of understanding where puzzle pieces start coming together. God has a purpose in all that you have gone through. - Beth Moore

Great hearts can only be made by great troubles. - C.H. Spurgeon

All I can say is in this season I have learned to lean on my friends and family. They have become my Aaron's and my Hur's. I used to go through hard seasons alone not because I thought I could handle it, but because I didn't want to bother anyone. A friend of mine said this: Trudge through it alone = depression, hypertension, stress and lack of joy; Sharing = discovering you're not the only one whose going/gone thru the situation. You get words of wisdom & encouragement from those who've been there done that. So let me encourage you, if you are going through a hard season, lean on your friends and family and let them help you. There will be seasons where you will need to do that and that's why God has placed certain people in your life during that time. They always encourage and pray. They never discourage. Mine, like I said, are AMAZING!

And make sure you stand on and claim the Word! It's life giving as only God can give you. No one else can! He is your security and your safety! It's not meant to be found anywhere else.

Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noonday. - Psalm 37:3-6

Just remember....It's only a season, not a lifetime; though in the season, will be the outcome of your life! And it's going to be amazing! It may be hellish going through it! I know it will be totally worth it! All I know is I'm grabbing hold of the LORD and not letting him go until he changes my name! I refuse to come out of this season the same way I came in! I will be changed for the glory of the LORD! And what a testimony that will be! It's all about falling in love with Him all over again! Trust Him, he will never lead you astray! You may not understand what is happening now, but you will when you come out! Remain on your knees and ask for His grace!

I'm with you all in this!

From my heart to yours,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Will you make it......

....Do not be shocked, nor fear them. The LORD your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf, just as He did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderness where you saw how the LORD your God carried you, just as a man carries his son, in all the way which you have walked until you came to this place. - Deuteronomy 1:29-31

I wonder how many of us find ourselves in a season of wondering if we are going to see the end of it and the beginning of the next season. I know for myself I wondered that in the last month or so....

It has been a wild and crazy ride! If you are crazy enough to ride those horrendous roller coaster rides that scare you half to death and make you sick you will know what kind of 'ride' I am talking about! LOL... Last year I had a friend of mine talk me into riding in the very first car of this kind of ride at Six Flags Great have never had a problem with the roller coaster rides that have the cork screws and even go upside down...but...I have NEVER in my life ridden in the very first car of the ride....that is until last year....lets just say that was the first time and the last time that will EVER happen! LOL So what happened you may ask? Well....Everything was fine in the beginning...even with the steep drop in the beginning of the wasn't until it went into the very first cork screw that everything decided to turn black...nope...I didn't close my eyes and it didn't go into a tunnel nor was it dark outside...I started to black out!!!! All I could think of is if I black out I am going to fall off this ride and drop several stories to the what did I do? I prayed so loud I didn't care who could hear me! hahahaha It worked and I didn't completely black out...

Why do I tell this story? It goes so well with what the LORD is doing all across the nations in His bride (children). He is taking you on this crazy ride that you really want to get off and run the other way and you are not sure you are going to make it through. All I can say is yes you will make it through and He will remind you of the promises that He has given you! Sometimes all you can do is grab ahold of God and cry out until your voice is hoarse and your tears are all dried up. But if you could even try to imagine what the 'other side' of this ride holds you will hold on for dear life and push your way through. I know for myself He had me face some fears that I have had since I was a child and some really religious mindsets. I'm still in process but I have had such an amazing breakthrough in both of these areas! Praise Jesus! Was it easy? Heck no!!!! And I really didn't know if I was going to make it! But GOD!!!! He reminded me of several of the promises He had given me and I held on to those with my life! I continue to push through...because the vision's and promises He has given me can only be fulfilled as I walk through each season. I can't stop. I HAVE to push through. And I am! The sweetness of my quiet time with the LORD has been revived and renewed. And just tonight He gave me another little nugget of what has to happen at times in order to reach your promise land sometimes....

He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to our father. - Deuteronomy 6:23

In order to walk on water, you have to leave your insecurities on the shore! You will walk into your promise land! Take hold of the promises of God! You can do it! If I can, then anyone can! Love you all so much and the best is yet to come! Love Jesus will all your heart, mind, soul and strength!

From my heart to yours,

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hope or Hopeless

Hope deferred makes the heart sick....

How many times do we find ourselves in this type of position? I pray not many...but I do know that we do come to that point at times because of our expectations, or might I add what we have been taught over numerous years has not been the truth. I myself have been there recently (still there).  This definitely has not been one of my bright and shining moments and find myself thinking of how could I have done it differently....should I have accepted the help that was extended to me? Or was this really something I needed to do on my own. (talking about my own circumstance that landed me in this place that seems hopeless)

I have been reading a book called '10 Lies the Church Tells Women' by Lee Grady. Its really a great book for both men and women to read and very biblically sound. I'm not that far into it, but I do have to say that just reading the introduction at the beginning of the book already started to mess with my world of what I had believed. For some reason throughout the years I started to believe things about ministry and marriage dealing with women that were not biblical at all. Why? I guess its because those that were saying it were what I would call great men and women of God. I looked up to them. To me I didn't have to demand them to show me where that was in the bible, I just took it at face value. So here I am years later only to find myself in this place of realizing I have had some really wrong mindsets. This book from the very beginning will stir up anger (in a holy way) at how the church has viewed women over the years and still does. You find yourself at times weeping only because of how sad and how long you have believed these lies...Then you find how freeing it is to not be under the 'weight' of what is 'expected' of you (according to the religious mindset of some) and what your 'position' in ministry and marriage should be. But it really shows you what the Word says about women in ministry and how a real biblical based marriage should be.  No wonder why we have a divorce rate in the church that is just as high as the one outside of the church. I find myself even as I am typing this......weeping...partly because I hurt not just for myself but for those that still believe these lies. Oh how the devil has counterfeited the purity and holiness and partnership of marriage. Talk about hopelessness! Of course we would experience this hopelessness especially living under this kind of religious mindset!

So ladies....if you are like me and have lived under such fear of being in a marriage where no matter what happens the man is always right and you do as he says without question  (i personally know of marriages like this) and/or under the belief that you can't go into full time ministry without being married and your husband leading the ministry while you sit quietly by...Learn the truth from God's word.....Its okay to question people of their beliefs...You're not saying they are are just seeking God's word for yourself....Pray and ask God to show you His truth....NOT man's....I have learned a very valuable lesson in this time...Do NOT seek counsel from everyone that is close to you about what you should will get answers from each end of the spectrum! believe me! I know! This only brings God first always! is okay to have someone who gives godly counsel (which is normally your my case it is my pastor and I should have listened to him) but don't ask everyone that comes in your

Anyways....I would say...get this book! I'm not even halfway through it and each time I read it I am a weeping mess! (which is on a daily basis! lol) But I continue to get set free from mindsets that have held me back from the blessings He has placed in my path.... So my hope is in the Lord! Not in my circumstances....I know some of this blog is a little scattered, but that's what happens when you blog at 1:30 in the morning! LOL

So my hope is in the Lord!

Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You. - Psalm 63:3

From my heart to yours,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

50 Shades of Grey and Magic Mike....Really ladies?

I first heard of 50 Shades of Grey through a co-worker. He asked me if I had read this book yet. He said his sister told him is was really great and that he needed to read it. I asked him what it was about and he said something about business but he wasn't really sure. So I thought well okay....I'll have to find out more. However, before I could look it up, he did. He said it looked like it was about a man and woman and said something about it being erotic. I said absolutely not! I will not read something like that. He understands my point of view and where I am coming from. He knows I'm a Christian and that I don't entertain myself with things of that nature.

Well it wasn't too long after that, that I noticed Christian women posting on how great this book is and then comes the comments about how great the movie Magic Mike is. At first I really didn't know enough to get into a conversation about these two so i just let it go. That is until a couple of days ago when a great friend of mine posted on Facebook how she doesn't understand how Christian women can defend reading and watching this stuff. So I decided to do some research...Which I always enjoy doing...When I read the information on Magic Mike I was appalled! How in the world can someone say they thought watching the movie was fine and that it wasn't sin? This movie clearly glorifies the stripping industry in which I am completely against! Let me just explain something about the stripping industry. First and foremost the women who are in these clubs...I don't care how upscale they are, the women are continually beat, stabbed and then raped. Now you may say well its the lifestyle. No it's not. The majority of these women had nothing to turn to because they never had a healthy family life. Many were abused growing up and most were raped by family members or friends of family members over and over again. Some were sent to foster home after foster home. And men and women around the world are funding this! And they think its okay just because they are not actively participating, they are just watching. Interesting, sounds like what women are doing with these books and movies.

So in talking about Magic Mike and 50 Shades of Grey, a friend of mine called it 'soft porn'. I call it porn at its worse!  How in the world are we to teach our daughters and sons its not okay to have sex before marriage when their parents are watching this stuff and saying its okay because I just wish I could have a body like that? Yes, someone really said that. Really? Lets be honest here, that's not the only thing you are thinking. This is exactly how the enemy hooks Christians into the sexual perversion that runs so rampant in the United States as well as the world. When parents allow this perversion in the house, you open up your children to this as well. Right now if you were to ask your children's principal at school if they have a problem with sex in the school, they will most likely tell you yes. Right now in the US there is an epidemic in the schools of kids even in grade school having oral sex because they don't think its sex and they just want to fit in. Really? I wonder where this mind set came from? I wonder if parents know that it's their daughter participating in this. If you don't stop allowing this stuff in your home its only going to get worse. You are allowing the fleshly desires to run rampant in you as well as in your home! Jesus said in Matthew 5:28:

but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

This is also for women. 

Listen. In this day and age we cannot allow the enemy to come in and continue to wreck havoc in our homes, or in this nation. If we do not begin to stand up and say no to these movies and books, we will continue to see more of this come out. If you want to see the divorce rate in the church go down then you will begin to say 'No' to this sexual perversion that you have allowed in your home and say 'Yes' to purity. The only way we can begin to see the purity of the Lord sweep this nation and the nations of the earth is to purify what we allow ourselves to watch and see. Jesus said in Luke 11:34 & 35

The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness.

Please I beg you! Begin to stand up for righteousness and purity! Help us to stop these movies and books that are coming out! Stop funding these projects! They are harming you and your family for generations to come!

From my heart to yours,
