Tuesday, April 17, 2012


For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. for to be can ally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.-Romans 8:5, 6

There are times in our lives that we find ourselves at a crossroad. One way is where our desire for something is so great that we can step outside of God's timing and choose a path that will take us longer to get to our destiny, or destination. The other way, while it doesn't always seem to be what we had in mind in order to fulfill our destiny or reach our destination, its where God is leading.

I know I myself am at a crossroad in my life. To some it may seem a simple decision, to others...well they are glad they don't have to make the decision anymore. lol So then how in the world am I going to make the right decision? Is there even a right or wrong decision in every decision you have to make in life? I myself believe that depending on the decision you make can at times mean life or death to your destiny. Some decisions if you make the wrong one may not keep you from fulfilling your destiny, but it will just take you longer. Obviously I am talking about life altering decisions, not the every day decisions that you make.

I'm reminded of the rich young ruler who when Jesus said to go and sell everything he had and to then come and follow the Lord went away sad because he knew he wouldn't sell everything. So in essence this young man decided his desire for riches was more important than following God. This young man's desire for riches was more important than doing what the Lord was requesting of him. I wonder what would have happened if the young man had sold everything to follow the Lord. I wonder what would he have done for the kingdom. I'm pretty sure it would have been amazing!

So how do you make the right decision? Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!! All I know is that if you continue to spend time in prayer and the word, you can't miss God. There is absolutely no way! What happens if you hear the opposite of what you were hoping for? Well I guess that's when you will be in the same place as the rich young ruler. Have you allowed your flesh to run rampant in your life or have you allowed the Spirit to take control and lead and guide your steps? Only you can answer that. I have chosen to walk down the road that God has for me. What does that look like? Well, only I will know that answer. :) All I know is sometimes it comes with great heartache, but the heartache will soon turn to joy. And sometimes it can be effortless as you just allow God to do what he desires to do. Either way, when you follow God's road and plan for your life, you just can't go wrong. I love Him with all my heart!

May He grant you according to your heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose.-Psalm 20:4

From my heart to yours

1 comment:

  1. once again you have given us all a wonderful and thoughtful look into God's word and into what is going with you. as your mom, and someone who loves you beyond words i would like to make one or two comments. first, take the short cut sis, i chose the wrong path, and it took me forever to get to where i should be, i could comment further on why how etc but its not important now. however, the part you said about sometimes choices may come with heartache, hmmmm i truely believe that heartache is only when you make the wrong choice, it seems that in my recent choices they might have been difficult to make, ie, moving away (far away) from family and friends, i felt no heartache, instead i found peace, quiet resolution that i finally made HIS choice, and those times when i wish i was back home to help take care if "things" i quickly find peace again in being where i am right now. love you my sweet baby girl!!!
