Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayer? Really?

You know there are so many times that i just don't feel like praying. But then i have to realize that what the church has defined as prayer is....actually a religious view point. Do you know how many times i have been so frustrated over how the church has placed prayer so far down the list of the things they want to do? It's grieving. Not only that but the prayer ministry and most of all the intercessors have been pushed to the back and made to be in the back ground that sometimes it's even hard to know if there is prayer taking place in the church. I know this to be true. They have labeled intercessors as weird and kooky (granted there are some) that they have become so discouraged they have come off the wall! What happens when the watchman are no longer on the wall? The enemy can come in without being detected! You wonder why the Bride of Christ is being so attack? They have placed more emphasis on how many people they can get into their church than they do on prayer.

Isaiah 56:7 these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."

If I could define prayer in my own words it would be this: The amazing conversations that you have between you and the Lord with no one else involved.
How we have made this such a religious act that no one even wants to pray or spend time with the Lord. They think reading their bible every now and again and going to church on Wednesdays and Sundays is enough. What they don't understand is that in prayer, wether you are worshipping the Lord, reading the Word or in intercession...it brings great joy! There is a refreshing that happens as well as a intimacy with the Lord that you can't get doing anything else. The Lord doesn't want to hear a list of requests from you, He wants to talk to you. One on one. You and Him! My mind can't even begin to comprehend that Jesus wants to talk to me! And spend time with me!

When we choose to spend more time trying to build our own "kingdoms" we leave God out completely. We leave no room for Him. Now I'm not a theologian...I'm a very simple person....So even I understand that if you don't spend time with someone you really don't who they are...You have to spend time with someone in order to truly know who they are and what their hearts desire is. You will also know if there is something you can help them achieve and/or attain. This is the same with spending time with the Lord. Sure we know His heart by reading the Word, but how will you know how to bring reformation to a region without getting to know Jesus' heart ticks? What I mean is only He can give you that revelation through revealing His heart to you and He isn't going to reveal or intrust you with His heart if you don't have a relationship with Him. Prayer is the key that unlocks the door of His heart to yours.

One thing that I like to remind people is God wants us way more than we could ever want Him! He is God and He is perfect! His emotions are perfect where ours have faults. He wants you! Are you willing to cultivate a relationship with Him? And not just to know how to bring reformation but just because you want to know Him?

From my heart to yours,

1 comment:

  1. you have such a wonderful and beautiful heart my dear dear daughter. hugs. never stop.
