Friday, March 23, 2012

Seasons come and seasons go......

Let's be real....One thing you will find consistently over and over on my blog is I will be ruefully honest...And I don't mind if you don't agree with me...That's part of what the family of God is all about...The difference in how each one of us works and how we together make a whole body. One of the most amazing things is how God made us so different from each other because He knew what one person had is exactly what we would need to accomplish a task He has called us to do.  We need each other so that we can bring transformation to a generation, a nation, and ultimately change history! We can't do it alone. God never intended us to do it alone either.

Sometimes we get into these seasons where we look around and think, "my gosh what on earth am i doing here and how in the world Lord are you going to get me to where I am supposed to be?" Now I know I am not the only one that has thought that in certain seasons of my life. I remember thinking I would never be in youth ministry....low and behold that is exactly where God started me! I always thought God had a sense of humor and when that happened I knew He did! But this is the thing....I learned so much about leadership in that time. I saw some of the greatest healings (emotionally) come to some of the youth that I still talk about them to this day and that has been over 6 years ago now. We have to learn never to despise the season that we are in. We may not always understand what God wants us to learn in some of them...and sometimes we don't see what we learned until after we have entered into the next season. But know this....God has always had a plan and a destiny for your life. No matter where you come from...No matter your age....God ALWAYS has a plan. I also know how hard it is to sit still sometimes, especially when you want to do every ministry that comes your way. But God says just sit and be still. That is so much easier said than done. Then there are those seasons where it seems all you do is ministry and you think...I asked for this but didn't realize I wouldn't have time for family and friends....or even to get to know someone in order to start a family! lol I have been there too! (still am!) But know this....God has always had a plan and even though you think you have no idea how some things will come about, God knows and you can rest in knowing He has it all under control. And in each season He is making us into His image, Praise the Lord! So when you don't know what to do, who to turn to, or maybe you can't even see the way out of a season, just rest in Him! We have all been there. Just remember seasons come and season go. Try to enjoy each one you are in. Have I always enjoyed them? Absolutely not! But now? Yes I do! Even the hard ones because I know when James 1:2-4 says: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
This is the real word of God! It rings true in every facet of life.

So what season am I in right now? Well I guess you would say I am right where I am supposed to be! Praise Jesus! Do I know God's complete plan for my life? Absolutely not and I am okay with that because I know that He has amazing things in store for me. My hearts cry is to know Him! To know the very heart beat of God.

From my heart to yours,


  1. What an awesome blog. I am so proud of you. I think God will allow me a prideful moment. Smile. You have turned into an awesome woman and I am proud to be your momma. Hugs.

    1. Awe...Thanks mom! I am so blessed that God has allowed me to be your daughter. I have seen strength and love in action through you! Love you with all my heart!

  2. Sandy, I truly am touched an encouraged by your blog...oh so true, how may times do we find ourselves in different seasons and I expect there will be many more until the day we are called home. But like you said, these seasons lead us into our final purpose on earth and final destination which is in Heaven with our Lord an Savior Jesus Christ..

    May God continue to use and Bless you as this blog reaches countless people aroune the world...

    Blessings...Bro In Christ...Greg
