Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Will you make it......

....Do not be shocked, nor fear them. The LORD your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf, just as He did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderness where you saw how the LORD your God carried you, just as a man carries his son, in all the way which you have walked until you came to this place. - Deuteronomy 1:29-31

I wonder how many of us find ourselves in a season of wondering if we are going to see the end of it and the beginning of the next season. I know for myself I wondered that in the last month or so....

It has been a wild and crazy ride! If you are crazy enough to ride those horrendous roller coaster rides that scare you half to death and make you sick you will know what kind of 'ride' I am talking about! LOL... Last year I had a friend of mine talk me into riding in the very first car of this kind of ride at Six Flags Great America...now...I have never had a problem with the roller coaster rides that have the cork screws and even go upside down...but...I have NEVER in my life ridden in the very first car of the ride....that is until last year....lets just say that was the first time and the last time that will EVER happen! LOL So what happened you may ask? Well....Everything was fine in the beginning...even with the steep drop in the beginning of the ride....it wasn't until it went into the very first cork screw that everything decided to turn black...nope...I didn't close my eyes and it didn't go into a tunnel nor was it dark outside...I started to black out!!!! All I could think of is if I black out I am going to fall off this ride and drop several stories to the ground...so what did I do? I prayed so loud I didn't care who could hear me! hahahaha It worked and I didn't completely black out...

Why do I tell this story? It goes so well with what the LORD is doing all across the nations in His bride (children). He is taking you on this crazy ride that you really want to get off and run the other way and you are not sure you are going to make it through. All I can say is yes you will make it through and He will remind you of the promises that He has given you! Sometimes all you can do is grab ahold of God and cry out until your voice is hoarse and your tears are all dried up. But if you could even try to imagine what the 'other side' of this ride holds you will hold on for dear life and push your way through. I know for myself He had me face some fears that I have had since I was a child and some really religious mindsets. I'm still in process but I have had such an amazing breakthrough in both of these areas! Praise Jesus! Was it easy? Heck no!!!! And I really didn't know if I was going to make it! But GOD!!!! He reminded me of several of the promises He had given me and I held on to those with my life! I continue to push through...because the vision's and promises He has given me can only be fulfilled as I walk through each season. I can't stop. I HAVE to push through. And I am! The sweetness of my quiet time with the LORD has been revived and renewed. And just tonight He gave me another little nugget of what has to happen at times in order to reach your promise land sometimes....

He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to our father. - Deuteronomy 6:23

In order to walk on water, you have to leave your insecurities on the shore! You will walk into your promise land! Take hold of the promises of God! You can do it! If I can, then anyone can! Love you all so much and the best is yet to come! Love Jesus will all your heart, mind, soul and strength!

From my heart to yours,

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hope or Hopeless

Hope deferred makes the heart sick....

How many times do we find ourselves in this type of position? I pray not many...but I do know that we do come to that point at times because of our expectations, or might I add what we have been taught over numerous years has not been the truth. I myself have been there recently (still there).  This definitely has not been one of my bright and shining moments and find myself thinking of how could I have done it differently....should I have accepted the help that was extended to me? Or was this really something I needed to do on my own. (talking about my own circumstance that landed me in this place that seems hopeless)

I have been reading a book called '10 Lies the Church Tells Women' by Lee Grady. Its really a great book for both men and women to read and very biblically sound. I'm not that far into it, but I do have to say that just reading the introduction at the beginning of the book already started to mess with my world of what I had believed. For some reason throughout the years I started to believe things about ministry and marriage dealing with women that were not biblical at all. Why? I guess its because those that were saying it were what I would call great men and women of God. I looked up to them. To me I didn't have to demand them to show me where that was in the bible, I just took it at face value. So here I am years later only to find myself in this place of realizing I have had some really wrong mindsets. This book from the very beginning will stir up anger (in a holy way) at how the church has viewed women over the years and still does. You find yourself at times weeping only because of how sad and how long you have believed these lies...Then you find how freeing it is to not be under the 'weight' of what is 'expected' of you (according to the religious mindset of some) and what your 'position' in ministry and marriage should be. But it really shows you what the Word says about women in ministry and how a real biblical based marriage should be.  No wonder why we have a divorce rate in the church that is just as high as the one outside of the church. I find myself even as I am typing this......weeping...partly because I hurt not just for myself but for those that still believe these lies. Oh how the devil has counterfeited the purity and holiness and partnership of marriage. Talk about hopelessness! Of course we would experience this hopelessness especially living under this kind of religious mindset!

So ladies....if you are like me and have lived under such fear of being in a marriage where no matter what happens the man is always right and you do as he says without question  (i personally know of marriages like this) and/or under the belief that you can't go into full time ministry without being married and your husband leading the ministry while you sit quietly by...Learn the truth from God's word.....Its okay to question people of their beliefs...You're not saying they are wrong....you are just seeking God's word for yourself....Pray and ask God to show you His truth....NOT man's....I have learned a very valuable lesson in this time...Do NOT seek counsel from everyone that is close to you about what you should do..you will get answers from each end of the spectrum! believe me! I know! This only brings confusion....seek God first always!...it is okay to have someone who gives godly counsel (which is normally your pastor...in my case it is my pastor and I should have listened to him) but don't ask everyone that comes in your  path...lol...

Anyways....I would say...get this book! I'm not even halfway through it and each time I read it I am a weeping mess! (which is on a daily basis! lol) But I continue to get set free from mindsets that have held me back from the blessings He has placed in my path.... So my hope is in the Lord! Not in my circumstances....I know some of this blog is a little scattered, but that's what happens when you blog at 1:30 in the morning! LOL

So my hope is in the Lord!

Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You. - Psalm 63:3

From my heart to yours,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

50 Shades of Grey and Magic Mike....Really ladies?

I first heard of 50 Shades of Grey through a co-worker. He asked me if I had read this book yet. He said his sister told him is was really great and that he needed to read it. I asked him what it was about and he said something about business but he wasn't really sure. So I thought well okay....I'll have to find out more. However, before I could look it up, he did. He said it looked like it was about a man and woman and said something about it being erotic. I said absolutely not! I will not read something like that. He understands my point of view and where I am coming from. He knows I'm a Christian and that I don't entertain myself with things of that nature.

Well it wasn't too long after that, that I noticed Christian women posting on how great this book is and then comes the comments about how great the movie Magic Mike is. At first I really didn't know enough to get into a conversation about these two so i just let it go. That is until a couple of days ago when a great friend of mine posted on Facebook how she doesn't understand how Christian women can defend reading and watching this stuff. So I decided to do some research...Which I always enjoy doing...When I read the information on Magic Mike I was appalled! How in the world can someone say they thought watching the movie was fine and that it wasn't sin? This movie clearly glorifies the stripping industry in which I am completely against! Let me just explain something about the stripping industry. First and foremost the women who are in these clubs...I don't care how upscale they are, the women are continually beat, stabbed and then raped. Now you may say well its the lifestyle. No it's not. The majority of these women had nothing to turn to because they never had a healthy family life. Many were abused growing up and most were raped by family members or friends of family members over and over again. Some were sent to foster home after foster home. And men and women around the world are funding this! And they think its okay just because they are not actively participating, they are just watching. Interesting, sounds like what women are doing with these books and movies.

So in talking about Magic Mike and 50 Shades of Grey, a friend of mine called it 'soft porn'. I call it porn at its worse!  How in the world are we to teach our daughters and sons its not okay to have sex before marriage when their parents are watching this stuff and saying its okay because I just wish I could have a body like that? Yes, someone really said that. Really? Lets be honest here, that's not the only thing you are thinking. This is exactly how the enemy hooks Christians into the sexual perversion that runs so rampant in the United States as well as the world. When parents allow this perversion in the house, you open up your children to this as well. Right now if you were to ask your children's principal at school if they have a problem with sex in the school, they will most likely tell you yes. Right now in the US there is an epidemic in the schools of kids even in grade school having oral sex because they don't think its sex and they just want to fit in. Really? I wonder where this mind set came from? I wonder if parents know that it's their daughter participating in this. If you don't stop allowing this stuff in your home its only going to get worse. You are allowing the fleshly desires to run rampant in you as well as in your home! Jesus said in Matthew 5:28:

but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

This is also for women. 

Listen. In this day and age we cannot allow the enemy to come in and continue to wreck havoc in our homes, or in this nation. If we do not begin to stand up and say no to these movies and books, we will continue to see more of this come out. If you want to see the divorce rate in the church go down then you will begin to say 'No' to this sexual perversion that you have allowed in your home and say 'Yes' to purity. The only way we can begin to see the purity of the Lord sweep this nation and the nations of the earth is to purify what we allow ourselves to watch and see. Jesus said in Luke 11:34 & 35

The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness.

Please I beg you! Begin to stand up for righteousness and purity! Help us to stop these movies and books that are coming out! Stop funding these projects! They are harming you and your family for generations to come!

From my heart to yours,


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. for to be can ally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.-Romans 8:5, 6

There are times in our lives that we find ourselves at a crossroad. One way is where our desire for something is so great that we can step outside of God's timing and choose a path that will take us longer to get to our destiny, or destination. The other way, while it doesn't always seem to be what we had in mind in order to fulfill our destiny or reach our destination, its where God is leading.

I know I myself am at a crossroad in my life. To some it may seem a simple decision, to others...well they are glad they don't have to make the decision anymore. lol So then how in the world am I going to make the right decision? Is there even a right or wrong decision in every decision you have to make in life? I myself believe that depending on the decision you make can at times mean life or death to your destiny. Some decisions if you make the wrong one may not keep you from fulfilling your destiny, but it will just take you longer. Obviously I am talking about life altering decisions, not the every day decisions that you make.

I'm reminded of the rich young ruler who when Jesus said to go and sell everything he had and to then come and follow the Lord went away sad because he knew he wouldn't sell everything. So in essence this young man decided his desire for riches was more important than following God. This young man's desire for riches was more important than doing what the Lord was requesting of him. I wonder what would have happened if the young man had sold everything to follow the Lord. I wonder what would he have done for the kingdom. I'm pretty sure it would have been amazing!

So how do you make the right decision? Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!! All I know is that if you continue to spend time in prayer and the word, you can't miss God. There is absolutely no way! What happens if you hear the opposite of what you were hoping for? Well I guess that's when you will be in the same place as the rich young ruler. Have you allowed your flesh to run rampant in your life or have you allowed the Spirit to take control and lead and guide your steps? Only you can answer that. I have chosen to walk down the road that God has for me. What does that look like? Well, only I will know that answer. :) All I know is sometimes it comes with great heartache, but the heartache will soon turn to joy. And sometimes it can be effortless as you just allow God to do what he desires to do. Either way, when you follow God's road and plan for your life, you just can't go wrong. I love Him with all my heart!

May He grant you according to your heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose.-Psalm 20:4

From my heart to yours

Friday, March 30, 2012

Why I pray.....

Philippians 4:5-8 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I am learning this almost on a weekly basis!

Have you ever been stuck in those "what ifs" moments? Where you find yourself continually thinking well, "what if" i was wrong, "what if" this could work out, "what if" it just wasn't the right time, "what if" I just give it a little more time, "what if" I heard from the Lord wrong? Do you know how destructive that can be? This type of thinking will bring doubt and confusion. It will even at times cause you to stay in a situation because you are waiting for the doubt and confusion to clear. Well, let me just say this....The doubt and confusion will stay as long as you don't remove yourself from that situation. And believe me when I say God will remove you if you are willing. When you choose to look at it from God's perspective then you will clearly see the truth. If you look at your situation through scripture you will see what God's perspective is. Does how the situation affect you build you up or tear you down. Does it lift you up and bring life, strength and growth to you? Or does it just bring confusion and discouragement?

The enemy has come to kill, steal and destroy your life. He has no rules. It doesn't matter what the situation is or what it looks like. He will cause you to think you are in the wrong and bring you to the point where you continue to stay in the situation and thus holding back your freedom and destiny.

 I will, for the most part, look for the growth and/or learning opportunity in just about every circumstance. It drives some people nuts....lol But I completely believe that what I go through is meant to be passed on so others can learn from it and not have to go through it themselves. The Lord told me one time that what He has given me is not for my benefit, but for the benefit for others. So when I experience trials and tribulations I know that what God is doing in me through that is to bring healing and freedom for others. What God has given me I will not allow the enemy to steal. I completely believe that when you do not feel the peace of God, then you need to remember back to where you lost it. Even in hard times you can and will sense the peace of God. It never leaves.

John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will now the truth and the truth will set you free.- John 8:31,32

So why do I pray about everything? Because the Word tells me to.

From my heart to yours,


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prayer? Really?

You know there are so many times that i just don't feel like praying. But then i have to realize that what the church has defined as prayer is....actually a religious view point. Do you know how many times i have been so frustrated over how the church has placed prayer so far down the list of the things they want to do? It's grieving. Not only that but the prayer ministry and most of all the intercessors have been pushed to the back and made to be in the back ground that sometimes it's even hard to know if there is prayer taking place in the church. I know this to be true. They have labeled intercessors as weird and kooky (granted there are some) that they have become so discouraged they have come off the wall! What happens when the watchman are no longer on the wall? The enemy can come in without being detected! You wonder why the Bride of Christ is being so attack? They have placed more emphasis on how many people they can get into their church than they do on prayer.

Isaiah 56:7 these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."

If I could define prayer in my own words it would be this: The amazing conversations that you have between you and the Lord with no one else involved.
How we have made this such a religious act that no one even wants to pray or spend time with the Lord. They think reading their bible every now and again and going to church on Wednesdays and Sundays is enough. What they don't understand is that in prayer, wether you are worshipping the Lord, reading the Word or in intercession...it brings great joy! There is a refreshing that happens as well as a intimacy with the Lord that you can't get doing anything else. The Lord doesn't want to hear a list of requests from you, He wants to talk to you. One on one. You and Him! My mind can't even begin to comprehend that Jesus wants to talk to me! And spend time with me!

When we choose to spend more time trying to build our own "kingdoms" we leave God out completely. We leave no room for Him. Now I'm not a theologian...I'm a very simple person....So even I understand that if you don't spend time with someone you really don't who they are...You have to spend time with someone in order to truly know who they are and what their hearts desire is. You will also know if there is something you can help them achieve and/or attain. This is the same with spending time with the Lord. Sure we know His heart by reading the Word, but how will you know how to bring reformation to a region without getting to know Jesus' heart ticks? What I mean is only He can give you that revelation through revealing His heart to you and He isn't going to reveal or intrust you with His heart if you don't have a relationship with Him. Prayer is the key that unlocks the door of His heart to yours.

One thing that I like to remind people is God wants us way more than we could ever want Him! He is God and He is perfect! His emotions are perfect where ours have faults. He wants you! Are you willing to cultivate a relationship with Him? And not just to know how to bring reformation but just because you want to know Him?

From my heart to yours,

Friday, March 23, 2012

Seasons come and seasons go......

Let's be real....One thing you will find consistently over and over on my blog is I will be ruefully honest...And I don't mind if you don't agree with me...That's part of what the family of God is all about...The difference in how each one of us works and how we together make a whole body. One of the most amazing things is how God made us so different from each other because He knew what one person had is exactly what we would need to accomplish a task He has called us to do.  We need each other so that we can bring transformation to a generation, a nation, and ultimately change history! We can't do it alone. God never intended us to do it alone either.

Sometimes we get into these seasons where we look around and think, "my gosh what on earth am i doing here and how in the world Lord are you going to get me to where I am supposed to be?" Now I know I am not the only one that has thought that in certain seasons of my life. I remember thinking I would never be in youth ministry....low and behold that is exactly where God started me! I always thought God had a sense of humor and when that happened I knew He did! But this is the thing....I learned so much about leadership in that time. I saw some of the greatest healings (emotionally) come to some of the youth that I still talk about them to this day and that has been over 6 years ago now. We have to learn never to despise the season that we are in. We may not always understand what God wants us to learn in some of them...and sometimes we don't see what we learned until after we have entered into the next season. But know this....God has always had a plan and a destiny for your life. No matter where you come from...No matter your age....God ALWAYS has a plan. I also know how hard it is to sit still sometimes, especially when you want to do every ministry that comes your way. But God says just sit and be still. That is so much easier said than done. Then there are those seasons where it seems all you do is ministry and you think...I asked for this but didn't realize I wouldn't have time for family and friends....or even to get to know someone in order to start a family! lol I have been there too! (still am!) But know this....God has always had a plan and even though you think you have no idea how some things will come about, God knows and you can rest in knowing He has it all under control. And in each season He is making us into His image, Praise the Lord! So when you don't know what to do, who to turn to, or maybe you can't even see the way out of a season, just rest in Him! We have all been there. Just remember seasons come and season go. Try to enjoy each one you are in. Have I always enjoyed them? Absolutely not! But now? Yes I do! Even the hard ones because I know when James 1:2-4 says: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
This is the real word of God! It rings true in every facet of life.

So what season am I in right now? Well I guess you would say I am right where I am supposed to be! Praise Jesus! Do I know God's complete plan for my life? Absolutely not and I am okay with that because I know that He has amazing things in store for me. My hearts cry is to know Him! To know the very heart beat of God.

From my heart to yours,